Critical Evaluation

Critical Evaluation
·       CAD CAM drawing didn’t allow for the shape to be held safely for machining. This meant after CNC machining some parts had to be cut by hand.
·       Tolerances for interconnecting parts were too tight so some parts had to be modified to fit together
·       Wall thickness on the base of model not thick enough to allow circuit board to be attached by screw
·       Model could have been made smaller and for a free give away product would be essential from a cost point of view
·       Some of the designed rounded edges were ignored by the CNC machine and had to be finished by hand. Also there was a lot of wastage of material in this manufacturing process.

In general the finished product, does address the specification required. The sound, although not brilliant, for a single speaker offers good quality.The main point, advertising the Olympic information website by way of the logos on the product is effective. I like the way the MP3 player is held during playback.
The electronic parts fitted well inside the product and were able to be soldered and assembled after the final finishing on the model, which made it a lot easier.